Statistics for game server


cross table for scarlettxx-79664a3-tr (Scarletxx 79664a3)

A program by Folkert van Heusden

Rating: 665 elo (± 538.67), 0/2/0 (w/l/d/)


opponentw / l / dopp.ratingrating diff.uncertaintyavg pliesgames played
sashaxxx_i7-3930k-7f936f10 / 2 / 01023+357169.406.002

reasons for adjudications

player 1player 2adjudicationcount
scarlettxx-79664a3-trscarlettxx-rpi4black disconnected1

elo rating

Currently slightly broken!

stats per game

Hover the mouse above the username to see the program name.

date user play time user play time result plies adjudication pgn view
2022-04-17 23:28:03scarlettxx-79664a3-tr15.63scarlettxx-rpi414.27*6black disconnectedget pgnview
2022-04-17 23:27:28sashaxxx_i7-3930k-7f936f128.51scarlettxx-79664a3-tr23.361-011get pgnview
2022-04-17 23:26:35scarlettxx-79664a3-tr28.12sashaxxx_i7-3930k-7f936f128.520-112get pgnview